Welcome Linda
Bachelor student Linda Käll from the K.I. Biomedicine programme has joined the Petzold lab to write her bachelor thesis during the spring of 2018.
Bachelor student Linda Käll from the K.I. Biomedicine programme has joined the Petzold lab to write her bachelor thesis during the spring of 2018.
Postdoctoral fellow Emilie Steiner finishes her postdoc in the Petzold lab and leaves for a position in Paris, France. We wish you good luck and we will miss you.
Lab member Noah Hopkins is on a sabbatical in Australia to write his bachelor thesis.
We are currently searching for a PhD student in RNA biophysics (for more info see K.I. recruitment webpage). Deadline 7th of January 2018.
Patrik Lundström und Markus Niklasson created a better software to analyze relaxation data and we were able to beta test and give our input – Congratulations Patrik and Markus.
Hannes Feyrer’s work was promoted to a talk at the meeting of the RNA Society Sweden in Lund.
Sarah Sandoz joined our lab as a postdoctoral Fellow. She will add her expertise to our microRNA team. See our current people webpage.
As part of the 100.000’s Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellows celebration, Judiths research was selected and highlighted and she goes to visit Brussels.
Maja Marušič joined the lab as a postdoctoral Fellow. She will join our ribosome team. See our current people webpage.