Welcome Noah!
During the summer of 2016, Bachelor student Noah Hopkins joins the Petzold lab for a summer project.
During the summer of 2016, Bachelor student Noah Hopkins joins the Petzold lab for a summer project.
Postdoc Judith Schlagnitweit and Master student Karen Schriever joins the group, see our peoples webpage.
The Petzold Lab co-organizes the workshop in Stockholm June 12-15, where experts in RNA biology and RNA structure meet (link to embo web page, here). Deadline for registration to the workshop is closing (March 1st)
The Swedish Cancer Society has funded our work on miR-34a.
Luca Retattino joins the lab as a project student! See our current people webpage.
This years MBB Keynote lecture presents work in RNA and DNA modifications and G-quadruplex formation.
Carolina Fontana received a Assistant Professor position at the Department of Chemistry, University of the Republic, Uruguay. Congratulations and good luck with your future research Carolina! Also see, our Pictures website.
A new paper related to the petzold lab is published: Modulating RNA Alignment Using Directional Dynamic Kinks: Application in Determining an Atomic-Resolution Ensemble for a Hairpin using NMR Residual Dipolar Couplings.
The Ingvar Carlsson award ceremony gets covered in Kemivärlden Biotech. Also see our Pictures website.
The group visits the 19th annual conference of SBNet (Swedish Structural Biology Network) in Tällberg, Dalarna Sweden. Also see our Pictures website.