Welcome Elnaz!
Elnaz BaniJamali is our newest PostDoc working on miRNA targeting.
Katja has been elected the chair of the Computational Aspects of Biomolecular NMR Gordon Research conference for 2023, which means she will also be co-chair in 2021, together with Art Palmer. We are looking forward to exciting meetings to come!
Cenk Onur Gürdap will work on new methods to produce isotope-labeled RNA with Hannes as a summer student.
Postdoc Ileana Guzzetti received an invitation to discuss how computers and mathematicians can describe and understand dynamics in RNA “Mathematics and Computer Science in Modeling and Understanding of Structure and Dynamics of Biomolecules” (http://www.birs.ca/events/2019/2-day-workshops/19w2257) in Canada. Congratulations!
Hannes Feyrer has been selected to present his research at the conference for Advanced Isotope Labeling Methods for Integrated Structural Biology (link https://www.ailm2019.org) in March in beautiful Grenoble.
The Foundation for Strategic Research has made a great work of art (aka a movie: https://youtu.be/a6jRXKbizlU) highlighting what we are doing in the lab all day.
The Swedish Research Council has awarded our lab funding (link for this: https://ki.se/en/mbb/the-swedish-research-councils-consolidator-grant-of-12-million-to-katja-petzold) for 6 years to study ribosome dynamics and find new drug targets